Wednesday, 14 July 2010

My First Courgettes

I planted a Gold Rush courgette about 5 weeks ago and these are the first fruit that it's produced. I have to add that it wasn't grown from seed but bought from a garden centre as a small plant. Hopefully I'll be able to do more from seed on my own plot as it'll be ready when seed sowing time rolls around next year.

I had the smaller one sliced and steamed. It tasted great and I was fascinated by the fact that it was yellow. Never knew they came in anything other than green till I saw the label in the garden centre.

My First Courgettes by michl_007
My First Courgettes Originally uploaded by michl_007 on 14th July, 2010

My google reader is screaming under the weight of unread posts from the various blogs I'm subscribed to. I set it here in stone that tomorrow I will catch up. Hopefully after a long day of cultivating my plot which should be somewhat easier after the long awaited rain we had yesterday.


Anonymous said...

OOh - they look lovely! It sounds like you've been working very hard.

And of all the times to start an allotment, you pick the driest months in years :) Glad to hear it sounds like you're enjoying it though. Beats going to the gym too!